by Ed Carter (www.ablefutures.org)
Most children struggle at some point in their academic careers. As understandable as this is, parents still stress at the thought of their kids struggling in school. These tough times come and go, but parents often feel helpless watching their children struggle to grasp new concepts and facts. The best way to help a struggling student is to develop a set of strategies to address your child's issues with difficult academic lessons. You can even use educational apps and online learning tools to support their learning. By empowering your struggling student in their schoolwork, you will help them gain confidence as well as a boost to their emotional intelligence.
Lead by Example
For a child to appreciate learning, Livestrong explains it’s important that they see their parents modeling a strong appreciation as well. Let your child see you reading, learning new skills, and even failing. Showing them that learning is difficult at times, but it is an important part of life, goes a long way in encouraging their growth in all areas of life.
Use Technology to Your Advantage
Smartphones, laptops, and tablets have a valuable place in education. Kids love to play on them, but what’s more, newer models are fully capable of being versatile, powerful learning tools. Tablets are a particular favorite, owing to their portability, capability, and size.
An Apple iPad or Samsung tablet, for example, pack as much power as a desktop, yet both are lightweight and easy to tote from the kitchen table, to school, to the public library -- wherever your youngster is needing to work. And you can easily eliminate worries about damage when you purchase protective cases and screen accessories.
Whatever device you choose, there are plenty of online learning tools to help your child through tough assignments. From videos to apps and even online tutors, with an appropriately adept device, you and your child can find help.
Hire a Peer Tutor
Sometimes kids need someone like them to explain something to them in a way they can understand. Kids can find learning from other kids easier in many instances because it feels less stressful. With no adult standing over them with expectations, they feel more free to relax.
What’s more, hiring an older or more accomplished student to help your child in hard subjects can help in ways you can't. InspirationFeed points out a student tutor can sometimes fill in the blanks of information that your child is missing by using techniques that helped them learn the same information at the same age.
Identify the Problem
Sometimes there is something standing in the way of your child's learning experience. It could be a social problem. It could also be a learning disability, or perhaps an emotional issue. There are many other problems that can arise other than a simple comprehension roadblock.
Start by simply asking your child why they are having trouble learning. Kids do not always come forward with troubling information easily, so if you hit a wall, sometimes it is necessary to talk to teachers and counselors at school, or even visit your pediatrician for help.
Acknowledge and Allow Your Child's Frustration
Children become frustrated easily. Add to that something as important as homework and you have a recipe for a tantrum. Instead of yelling or reacting in anger, allow your children to vent frustrations. Tell them you understand how they feel and encourage them to keep trying.
If this happens, it might be a good time to take a break from studying. Have a snack, walk out in the yard, or just talk for a few minutes. Acknowledge the frustration and when emotions settle, get back on track in a healthy way.
Kids have trouble academically sometimes. Look for the tools and resources needed to help. The way you handle it not only determines their success in school but how they handle similar situations for the rest of their lives.